Thursday, February 25, 2010

Latest Update

Okay folks, here's where we are currently at.

We're going to invite as many of our teachers and coaches as we can find.

I still haven't gotten a lot of feedback on the dinner vs picnic idea, but those that did seem to prefer a dinner. So, how about a dinner Sat. night? Covered Wagon Days generally has the parks full anyway and there are food vendors there, so we could have an informal picnic either Sat or Sun as well.

It was suggested to see if we could use the "new" gym for something (our new gym, not the new new gym ;)), so I was thinking about having a catered dinner there. I'm still checking on that possibility and will let you know. If we do, I'll definitely need a good head count, but we'll worry about that as it gets a little closer.

A good suggestion was made about the teachers; have one or two students give a quick little talk about each teacher/coach, then give the teachers/coaches a chance to say something.

Finally, I need to know what activities are planned for the dinner night. I know Robin is working on a slide show, but is there anything else? Do we want to do awards again? Open the floor for embarrassing stories we can tell on each other? Other ideas? What about a booklet like we got at the 10 year reunion? Something with a short little something about what everyone has been up to the past 30 years, with contact info? Thoughts?

I'd like to ask a few folks to volunteer to sit on a committee to iron this out. If you're interested, let me know either here or send me an email.

Thanks everyone!


  1. I love the idea about inviting any & all teachers to the dinner. I personally would like to do a dinner out or your idea about the gym would be great too. I would love to see a friendly competition of volleyball or basketball maybe Sat. afternoon for anyone interested. You are doing a terrific job! I keep writing down peoples addresses as I see you add them to your emails. I didn't see Konda's on this last one but am sure you are adding them as you get them!

  2. Thanks Robin, I'll see what I can come up with about the Vball and Bball. Konda's email is in the group, or you can visit her blog, the link is on the side bar.

  3. I am in for VBall or Bball or even Horse shoes if they still have the pits at the park. I also like the idea of inviting the teachers. I was looking through the MIAs and was thinking maybe Yvonne could help us find Manual G. Is Yvonne on the email list?
    I will do more Tracking on Richard S. and Terry T. Great Job on this Blog... If anyone will be flying into the area, please check out flights into Durango as there is some great deals if you book at least 21 days prior to the fly dates. Randy let me know if I posted in the right area, as I am not a blogger, yet.

  4. I really enjoyed the booklets that were done the last time...I still go back to them & look at them hopefully someone can put those together again. Awards are always fun - maybe some local businesses would donate a small gift certificate or something. And I do remember tubing on the hill and also the mountain over by the, fun times! Good work keep it up!
